SIREN - Stability Islands:
Performance Revolution in Machining

What is SIREN about?
Research goal
Accurate identification and reliable use of stable cutting parameter islands to achieve breakthrough in cutting efficiency. The three work packages are all related to dynamic contact problems to be resolved via distributed delay models.

Revolution in machining
Results so far
Details about recent published results can be found in PUBLICATIONS. Read the excerpts of our research results by clicking on the button below.

Concept and Methods
Project summary
Cutting went through a revolution in the 1990s when high-speed milling (HSM) was introduced: the sculpture-like work-pieces produced with high precision and efficiency resulted in one order of magnitude less parts in cars/aircrafts, which kept this traditional technology competitive at the turn of the century.
Funding details and Acknowledgement
FP7 - Support for frontier research
European Research Council
Advanced Investigator Grant 2013
ERC Grant Agreement No 340889
Start date: 01/03/2014
End date: 28/02/2019
Budget: 2 573 000 Euro
EU Funding: 2 573 000 Euro
Host Institution: Budapest University of Technology and Economics