Tutorial videos for the demonstration of chatter

Research group of SIREN:
Presentation of SIREN project for international delegation of participants of the CIRP High-Performance Cutting Conference (HPC)
Presentation and demonstration at Laboratories of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 25th of June 2018

Research group of SIREN:
Presentation of SIREN project for mechanical engineering students at event facilitating the choice of study specialization
Presentation and demonstration at Laboratories of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 31th of October 2017

Research group of SIREN:
Presentation of SIREN project for international delegation of participants of the MCSuite project
Presentation and demonstration at Laboratories of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 4th of October 2017
Courses and Presentations

Dr. Islam Boussaada:
Coalecence and splitting of Time-delay systems' spectral values: The mechanisms and their effect on stability
From: Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S)
CNRS-CentraleSupelec-Université Paris Sud, Université Paris Saclay
Presentation at Library of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 13th of April 2017

Dr. Giovanni Totis:
New ideas for automatic system identification and more accurate and robust evaluation of process stability in milling
From: University of Udine
Udine, Italy
Presentation at Library of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 10th of March 2017

Dominik Hamann, PhD student:
Milling Stability Analysis with Varying Dynamics
From: Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Presentation at Library of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 24th of February 2017

Prof. Rachel Kuske:
Course on Stochastic dynamics: Modeling and applied analysis
From: Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Course at the Department of Applied Mechanics
Dates: 27th of September, 07th and 11th of October 2016
1. Stochastic Langevin-type models (Brownian, Poisson, Levy)
2. Basics of applied stochastic calculus
3. Formulation and equations for diffusion-type processes
4. Use of asymptotics: multiple scales, boundary layer theory, etc.
5. Mechanisms and analysis for resonance-type phenomena
6. Bifurcations and meta-stability

Prof. Juan Carlos Jauregui:
Nonlinear parameter identification using field data
From: Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro
Presentation at Library of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 20th of September 2016

Prof. David Ewins:
Exciting Vibrations: The Role of Tests in an Era of Supercomputers and Uncertainties
Fellow of the Royal Society
Presentation at the Hungarian Science Academy
Date: 13th of April 2016

Behnam Ghalamchi, post-doctoral researcher:
Development of Live Center Structure to Avoid Chatter in Turning Machines
From: Lappeenranta University of Technology
Laboratory of Machine Dynamics
Presentation at Library of the Department of Applied Mechanics
Date: 20th of November 2015